Saturday, March 22, 2008

The best Thing Since MP3

Few of my pals use RSS, even though RSS is the best thing since MP3!

Basically you can read stories from your favourite websites like you read email. All the stories get sent to you automagically.

My RSS reader of choice is Google Reader.

Usually all you need to do to get updates from a site is to input its URL, like so:

Or you can enter an RSS link to subscribe to a website of your choice.

It's changed the way I surf the internet. Give it a shot, you might end up liking it!


The Dodo said...


oh lovin this word hahaha.

Therry said...

I use Google Reader too :)

David said...

I've just discovered that Google reader picks up blog posts that have been previously deleted, a long time ago even. I deleted a whole bunch of posts nigh on a year ago, and what do you know, Google Reader kindly still feeds them...!@#$%&!!!!

Unknown said...

yeh there's a few posts i wouldn't mind deleting, but i suppose i'll just leave them to fate...

David said...

I notice that on some of my posts that I have edited stuff out of, the new edited version is cached. So if you want to delete a post, the way to go would be to go in and edit the body out of the post. The post will remain, but it will now be blank.

Jenny Quld said...

I love my Google reader, would be lost with out it.....especially good here in Indonesia where we have such slow internet connections.